Photo of coins in an older person's hand

Elder abuse 'a lot nastier' amid rise in reported cases

A jump in reports of elder abuse has prompted authorities to ask more victims to come forward, reports The Mandurah Mail.

Published: 10 September 2023
  • national
  • 10 September 2023
  • AAP/Mandurah Mail

Victoria Police received more than 5700 reports in the year to March, an increase of more than 40 per cent over the past five years.

Victoria Police Assistant Commissioner Lauren Callaway said elder abuse was often at the hands of someone a victim knows, such as a family member or paid carer.

"Some abuse involves psychological manipulation and intimidation, the threat that if you don't do this or that we will put you in an aged care home," she said.

"There could also be adult children trying to sell the house without consent, or maybe the older family member is forced into childcare or other work against their will."

National Ageing Research Institute spokeswoman Bianca Brijnath said elder abuse is under-reported and rates have also likely gone up around the country.

"It also got a lot nastier, in the sense of the types of abuse that were presenting to hospital were very much around physical abuse and neglect," Professor Brijnath told AAP.