Enduring Powers of Attorney
On this page you'll find helpful articles to get started to plan, change or revoke your enduring power of attorney. You'll also find articles on key issues, resolving conflicts and practical assistance on how to protect yourself from abuse.
Making decisions and knowing your rights
Resolving common conflicts and issues
Learn more about what applies in your state or territory
The laws, types and names of enduring powers of attorney (EPOA or EPA) in Australia are different depending on where you live. Find out what applies in your state or territory.
Find a service provider
All organisations
Here is a list of all the organisations Australia wide that provide assistance with enduring powers of attorney.
Legal matters
Here is a list of organisations that provide assistance with legal matters.
Being heard
Here is a list of organisations you can contact to have your story heard.
Knowing your rights
Here is a list of organisations that will assist you with knowing your legal rights.
Find a resource
Catch up on the latest news
Discover the latest articles and news reports relating to enduring powers of attorney.

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