Ageism Awareness Day

Ageism Awareness Day 2021

Published: 30 August 2021
  • national
  • 30 August 2021
  • EveryAge Counts

Ageism Awareness Day is an opportunity to draw attention to the existence and impacts of ageism in Australia, which is a critical step to changing community attitudes.

‘Ageism. Know it. Name it’

Years of research and experience have shown that the term ‘ageism’ is not as well known or understood as other forms of prejudice and discrimination. This is part of the reason that ageism is widely accepted, in spite of the negative impacts on people’s lives and our community. By knowing it and naming it we are in a stronger position to act.

How do we take part?

Australia's first Ageism Awareness Day will coincide with the UN's International Day of Older Persons on 1 October 2021. Activities on the day will support the growing social movement to shift attitudes towards older age and older people. We are asking you to get involved in this movement by using the EveryAGE Counts resources and taking part in activities such as hosting or attending a morning tea either in person or online, to start a conversation about ageism and it's impacts.