Senior couple looking at documents

Almost one in six older Australians report experiencing abuse in the last 12 months

Published: 23 December 2021
  • national
  • 23 December 2021
  • Elder Abuse Action Australia

Elder Abuse Action Australia (EAAA) commends the Australian Government and the Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS) on the release of the National Elder Abuse Prevalence Study. It is the first national survey and the most extensive study into elder abuse in Australia.

Key findings from this extensive report reveals:

  • One in six older Australians (15%) experienced abuse in the year prior to the survey

  • Psychological abuse is the most common subtype (12%)

  • Some people experienced more than one subtype of abuse (4%)

  • Perpetrators of elder abuse are often family members

  • Almost two thirds of older people don’t seek help when they are abused (61%)

EAAA understands elder abuse can happen to anyone regardless of their circumstances. It’s everybody’s business to do everything we can to reduce abuse and its impact across our communities.

EAAA believes older Australians have a right to live a life free of abuse. This includes being able to participate in one’s community, have access to justice and the legal system, and to live a life of autonomy and independence.