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On Point video interview - What did government agencies tell you about the benefits of an Enduring Power of Attorney? With Dr Medha Gunawardana from AMC Services
Find out more about Enduring Powers of Attorney in this interview with Dr Medha Gunawardana, from Australian Multicultu...
Elder Abuse Response Flowchart for Service Providers
This infographic is part of the Northern Metropolitan Elder Abuse Prevention Toolkit and aims to support workers to ide...
BEFRIENding for Depression, Anxiety and Social support in residential aged care
The goal of this research is to reduce rates of depression, anxiety, loneliness and increase social support in people l...
Not poor enough, not rich enough: report
This is a new research report from housing advocacy group HAAG, which identifies the “Missing Middle”, people over 55, ...
The difference between Powers of Attorney and Enduring Guardians fact sheet
Many instances of financial and psychological abuse result from the misuse of Powers of Attorney, and confusion about t...
Roundtable on the rights of the older person webinar
Watch the OPAN roundtable to hear what expert panellists had to say on ageing with your rights intact.
A framework for supported decision-making
The Disability Royal Commission has published a report called Diversity, dignity, equity and best practice: a framewor...
Technology-facilitated coercive control: practice guide
This practice guide includes information about intimate partner violence, including sexual, physical and psychological ...
On Point video interview - What is the role of an attorney, and who should you have as your attorney? With John Chesterman, Queensland Public Advocate
Find out more about Enduring Powers of Attorney in this informative interview with John Chesterman, the Queensland Publ...
Ageism subverts the human rights of seniors
This is an article and transcript of a webinar to launch ‘Ageism Awareness Day’ to discuss how to make ageism a thing o...
10 Questions to Ask About LGBTQIA+ Needs in Aged Care
This brochure is designed to help you when deciding which residential aged care facilities to visit. You can check thei...
Legal Information in Tagalog
Tagalog translated factsheets include topics such as staying safe at home, telling some about elder abuse, keeping mone...
Your home and the age pension
A factsheet about eligibility for the age pension, the home as exempt from the assets test, and different changes invol...
The five types of elder abuse webinar
A Compass webinar to help understand about financial, emotional, psychological, and sexual abuse and neglect.
My journey to dreaming diary
This diary is a place to keep your personal and medical information and includes mindful activities to prompt reflectio...
The duties and responsibilities of your enduring power of attorney
This leaflet provides an overview of the key responsibilities of an appointed EPOA.
Age, Abuse and Justice - YouTube Channel
These short videos by Tanya Chapman summarise elder abuse cases in order to demonstrate what elder abuse...
Age Pension
The main income support payment for people who have reached Age Pension age.
On Point video interview - Can you revoke an Enduring Power of Attorney? With Dr Elizabeth McEntyre, Worimi Gringai and Wonnarua Elder
Find out more about revoking an enduring power of attorney and why with Dr Elizabeth McEntyre, Worimi Gringai and Wonna...
Carer Skills - Carer Gateway
The Carer Skills courses provide information, insights and practical tips to help carers develop new understanding and ...
Housing for the Aged Action Group videos
A collection of videos including a number featuring case-studies about at-risk older women experiencing homelessness.
Elder Abuse in Australia: Physical Abuse. Snapshot report.
This snapshot provides the key findings of the Survey of Older People (2020) in relation to Physical abuse of Older Aus...
Find a Lawyer Legal Referral Service - Victoria
This service allows you to enter a legal issue and/or location and filter through lawyers and/or law services.
Support at Home program
The new Support at Home program will replace the Home Care Packages Program and Short-Term Restorative Care Programme f...
Supported decision-making in Queensland
There is increasing recognition that the adult guardianship system’s focus on substitute decision-making must shift to ...
Rights Of Seniors in the East – ROSE
ROSE (Rights Of Seniors in the East) offers support to older people with increased vulnerability, experiencing, or at r...
Preventing elder abuse webinar
A Compass webinar to help identify the ways you can reduce and minimise the risks of elder abuse.
Elder Abuse Response Trial - Final evaluation summary
The Elder Abuse Response Program has two Specialist Elder Abuse Response programs:
Preventing and Responding to Financial Abuse
This guideline reflects good industry practice, and the ABA encourages members to use its principles to put in place i...
Abuse of Older People: making your own decisions
This offers free, confidential legal and social work services to older people to help them deal with harm or neglect by...
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