National Elder Abuse Prevalence Study Summary Report

Key messages

  • One in six older Australians (15%) reported experiencing abuse in the 12 months prior to being surveyed between February and May 2020.

  • Elder abuse can take the form of psychological abuse (12%), neglect (3%), financial abuse (2%), physical abuse (2%) and sexual abuse (1%).

  • Perpetrators of elder abuse are often family members, mostly adult children, but they can also be friends, neighbours and acquaintances.

  • People with poor physical or psychological health and higher levels of social isolation are more likely to experience elder abuse.

  • Almost two thirds of older people don’t seek help when they are abused (61%).

  • Elder abuse often remains hidden, with the most frequent action taken to stop the abuse involving the victim speaking directly to the perpetrator.

  • Family and friends are the most common source of support for older people who experience abuse.