Seniors Personal Record Book

The Seniors Personal Record Book is designed to help older Australians keep their personal affairs well-managed by collating and simplifying their record-keeping information.

Managing your interests and day-to-day matters is more complex than it used to be. Modern life involves a lot of administration – household, financial, medical, lifestyle – completed, increasingly, online rather than in person.

As a result, you probably now have a range of accounts, memberships, policies, passwords, family and friendship groups, advisers, interests and more. It’s hard to keep track of who, what, how and where everything is!

The Seniors Personal Record Book aims to overcome these challenges by providing you with one place to capture everything you need to remember. It can also be an important resource for your key decision maker should you lose capacity.

Once you’ve completed your record book store the safely in a secure but accessible place to protect your information.